Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Improved Page Engine Rank and SEO For Beginners and The More Experienced

Ever have problems with SEO?

Improved search engine rank is a term used by those with a confusion with SEO and page optimization and Google Page Rank - properly PageRank by the way. It is a trade marked term registered by Google, although the patent for the PageRank system of calculating and assigning it is assigned to Stanford University where Page developed the system, not Google.

What most people do not know is that the term PageRank originates from the name of one of the developers, Larry Page. Hence Page Rank. He teamed up later with Sergey Brin to form Google in 1998.

Enough of history: that is in the past! The present is that Google PageRank that I will henceforth refer to as Page Rank for fear of breaking copyright law, has been publicly stated by Google as being one of the predominant means of determining the listing of a website for a particular search term. This might not last for a lot longer, since there are whispers that Google are considering reducing the importance of Page Rank in view of the increasing relevance of social bookmarking and other social sites such as and Digg.

Now there is Twitter run by Google, and more and more Twitter results are turning up in Google search results. Twitter is what is called a micro-blogging service that uses SMS and instant messaging, or the blog posts on the Twitter website. Facebook is also being used by more and more people, but a lot are college students and others trying to spy on and stalk ex lovers for what can only be assumed to be pretty nefarious reasons.

However, these uses of so called social networking sites are immaterial. It their existence that matters, and the association many of them have with major search engines that are producing so many search results somewhat less than useful when they should properly have been filtered out. The question is: Should Google and Yahoo be allowed to be associated with these sites and give them preference in search engine results by use of what can only be manipulation of the algorithms?

Perhaps Page Rank and Link Density will become less important than your registration and participation in these sites. That is why I have joined most of them. They are fun to participate in, but much of the content is very juvenile and amateurish and not what I would to find in a serious search. Blog postings are generally not useful content.

However, back to link density and Page Rank. It is highly unlikely that link density will ever be dropped by Google, but they might introduce some aspects of social bookmarking in to their algorithm. What this means is that if you want to improve your listing, you will have to be involved in Google related social sites, Twitter being the main one at the moment.

If you understand Twitter you will know what I mean when I state that Google might include, in addition to page rank and traditional SEO, the number of friends and comments, number of Twitter followers, photo uploads and frequency of updates. Keep an eye on Google activity and their acquisitions, since the more acquisitions of social sites Google make, and the more of their own they produce, then you can be pretty sure that at some time they will introduce elements of that into their algorithms.

So, get ahead of the race and get acquainted with Twitter. Google have made no changes yet, but the buzz is there, so don’t bet your boots that no changes will be made in that direction sometime in the future. My belief is that article submission will remain the one major means of attracting traffic and obtaining one-way links back to your selected web pages for the foreseeable future, but that elements of social bookmarking and other social networking sites will gradually creep into the algorithms.

It is as yet unknown how this will affect you in your quest for improved search engine rank, but there is nothing to lose by being ahead in the game, and you have just been given a clue as to how to do that. It might be a year away, perhaps less and perhaps more, but when the day comes, if it does, I at least will be prepared for it.

If you want to find out how to get your site listed on the search engines in 2 days, and improve your listing position dramatically, check out Pete’s website Improved Search Engine Rank where you will be shown screenshots of exactly how he does it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My business is in town. I don't need a website.

Every time I hear that I cringe!

The economy being what it is has everyone pretty much world wide in a panic, for various reason's.

Now, more than ever if you own a traditional brick and mortar business you need a website. You truly do need an internet presence.


Having a business is no small task, the more successful the business becomes the more tasks involved.

Let's take a look at some items.

You obviously employees, you can't run the place all alone.

* The internet is a 24 hour employee.

You need accountants and business advice, team's to make sure that you are all proper and legal.

* Once a website is up you can place all of the appropriate links in place to ensure your site is CanSpam compliant.

* There are payment processor's online, such as PayPal to handle all of you transactions, yes, even while you sleep.

These are a few examples. With a traditional business you need customer's and you need to out do your competition or at least keep up. So now you need a fairly large budget for marketing. Online however, you can get traffic to your site within minutes using traffic techniques like google adwords.

Side note: With google adwords I personally would recommend you keep your budget to a minimum of 3 or 4 dollars per day until you get the hang of it thus you don't "break the bank" so to speak.

Once you have mastered some traffic techniques stick with them and don't look for the BBD or Bigger Better Deal.

There are so many programs out there and unscrupulous marketers hoping to take your money to teach you the latest greatest thing, chances are it doesn't work nearly as well as it did a few months back....why else are there a gazillion sales letter web sites about it?

Bottom line is this:

An online presence will do any brick and mortar business a world of good and quite possibly a world of extra cash in your pocket.

If you don't have a lot of start up capital then at the very least get yourself a twitter account and get your name out there.

Twitter is free and incredibly powerful.

Follow me if you'd like.

My twitter id is garret35.

Final point, remember to be successful at anything you must first get educated. Learn from your mistakes and if you get to a point that you want to quit ... DON'T.

You're almost there.

Good luck

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Can you Guess who this is?? You might be surprised

Okay.....I am a little upset right now after a talk with a friend of mine via facebook tonight. So if I seem a bit off...I apologize. The topic of conversation was life and money problems.

My viewpoint is this "If you're alive you have money problems (somewhere) regardless of who you are, where you live and how much you make.

Broke!! Who hasn't been? Feeling like there is no silver lining at the end of that dark cloud?

Been there, done that and read the book....several times. It's one of my fav's lol ;), I am pretty sure I have it printed on a tie dye shirt hehe. Just kidding.

Anyway. There is an old saying that goes something like this " If you think you can or can't you are right". What's my point your probably thinking, my point is if you don't like your life then change it. The world doesn't owe you a thing. The universe is unfolding as it should, you wanna better life than get off your poor, poor pitiful me kick and do something about it.

It's too hard, my friend said. I wanted to literally smack him but I couldn't. The joy of did it cyber style. So here is ultimately a tale I told him and am now sharing with you.

Can you guess who this is? No cheating read it before scrolling down ;)

1. A few years ago, maybe 6 or 7 (I won't make this easy) this person was on welfare and raising a child alone.

2. Was financially broke beyond what most people hit.

3. Had a vision and turned it into a tidy sum of 1 Billion Dollars, you read that right.

4. Is now 41 and living the good life.

The answer is:

Before I reveal that I want to go back to number 3. Re-read that if you please.

3. Had a vision and turned it into a tidy sum of 1 Billion Dollars, you read that right.

This person had a vision, a thought, an idea that was most certainly scoffed at by some people. But this person chose to go their way and didn't listen to the nasty nay-sayers.

Thank God. Because if she had we wouldn't be enjoying her wonderful works of fantasy and fiction. You "may" have heard of Harry Potter.

J.K. Rowling.

Yes J.K. Rowling was on welfare a single mother and raising her child when she got a call that changed her life and ours forever. Her books were going to be published.

Imagine for a moment how empty her life would have continued to be had she not chosen to believe in herself. Now imagine how many times you had a great idea and didn't follow through because of nay-sayers!

If you believe it, you can achieve it.

Get out there and change your fortune. It may not be easy, but nothing worth having ever is.

Why are you still reading? Get out there :)


Garret W Belisle is a blogger offering a family friendly website which updates at least once daily. Be sure to sign up for the daily motivational tips. It's fresh and crisp..Please feel free to visit

400 in my downline already

This is HUGE.

You missed Google, you missed Yahoo......will you miss this