Monday, April 20, 2009

Kutcher, CNN and Opera...what's the common denominator here?

The Kutcher/CNN race to a million on top of Oprah showcasing the service on Friday, this probably came close to shutting their server's down :)

The week before the Kutcher/CNN race, Ashton Kutcherhad a huge spike to the tune of roughly 176,000 pageviews, according to online sources. Amazingly last week, they sky rocketed to a whopping 3.2 million!!

CNNbrk (his twitter nemesis) went from 61,000 pageviews to over 900,000.

Then there's Oprah, she did her first tweet last Friday and not overly surprisingly she got over 980,000. But hey it is OPRAH!

It seems celebrities are taking over the twitter world for now...hmmm..I point changing my account to a fake name lol

Twitter is poised to pretty much blow up traffic wise this month and will likely finish up over 30 million UVs.

Okay this is not a twitter trick or tip....or is it.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

More things twitter, tools and tips

Twitter has been around for a few years now and yet it seems to be taking off like a wild fire only now. Why that is, well to quote the poet "I am not know" ;) what I can tell you is that just from the reaction I have heard and seen it ask become obvious to me that most people see twitter as nothing more than a simple stay in touch tool. I say this from a poll I took from close friends and family members, please don't think I mean the greater populus.

But there is so much you can do with twitter. So much to do and so little time.

Having said that I am going to do a few things over the next few weeks. I am going to write an in depth article every three or four days on certain twitter things. If I repeat one or two please forgive me, after all I am doing this for you guys, my loyal twitter friends and even those of you who follow my blog via the hidden option....I know a few do ;)

Here we go.

Make your twitter profile stand out (above the rest)....I haven't done this myself but I have too much on the go at the moment.

To get started go to your Twitter home page and click on settings at the top.

First and foremost, if you have a web site or blog make sure you set the ‘More Info URL’. This link appears in your profile page and is a do-follow link. Because of Twitter's on going popularity it is seen as good quality and serves as a high quality backlink for you in the BIG G. (Google)

Now we move on to your One Line Bio. You only have 160 characters so make them count, write it as often as you want until it jumps at you, if you love it so will we!

Lastly you can set your Location. I want to know what part of the world you live in.

A final not here is the Protect my Updates section. This just means you grant permission to see who views and who doesn't

A picture says a thousand words. True enough but personally I always advise people to use their own pic. It adds a sense of humanity. For the most part if I see someone I want to follow and the pic is not of them I debate it. I have my reasons.....this is your personal call.

A lot of people argue the avatar, again I don't like it much but it will help you stand out from the rest of the crowd.

If you have profiles on similar sites like Facebook, StumbleUpon to name a few it is a very good idea to use the same pic. Not only does this keep you looking better, it's a hell of a good branding tool since people will become familiar with your face and it helps to build up trust online.

And the final tip for today's episode is TwitterTimer, this is a great tool as it will send you reminders. I love it.

Okay, long article...whew I need a coffee.

See you all in a day or so.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Twitter: Response to two reader questions.

That's why I blog, I love to help folks out.

Send me some love;)

Tweet Question 1:

What’s the Fail Whale?

When Twitter’s servers get overloaded, all of a sudden you see a picture of a bunch of birds trying to lift a whale out of the water. There is no way the birds will lift the whale, ergo the twitter servers are overloaded.

Grab a coffee, snack etc. It might be a while before you get back, maybe a few minutes to a few hours.

Tweet Question 2:

Twitter HT means Heard Through

If you found out about something through a Twitter user, and you want to let people know you heard it from them thus HT = you Heard it Through them. This is different than RT, because it most likely means you heard it in real life, not over Twitter.

That's it for the Q & A

Oh one more twrick ;)

Twitter Hash Tags (#) :

The point of this without going overboard is anytime someone uses the phrase #dog in their tweet, it will be much easier to find in than if you just searched for dog, because the word Pdog associates with many things.

Happy Tweeting.

Please digg or stumble if you enjoyed this article.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Today's twitter tricks.

I have mentioned Twitterfeed, but I love it and want new reader's to love it also.

Basically it can take almost any blog and feed it into a Twitter account, so you see new items when you're on Twitter.


Twitterfeed can make pretty much any blog into a Twitterbot.

You do need an openid for this service. Simply got to MyOpenId and register.

Twitterfeed is very particular about RSS formatting, but standard blog platforms (Wordpress, Blogger, Typepad, etc.) should generate code it can handle.



Yes, you can get Facebook updates in Twitter.

This one is personal for how many people you want viewing your tweets. I was using it but I don't anymore. You find it in your facebook settings.

Be warned however, it can cause issues.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

If you twitter you NEED Chat catcher

Blog comments happen everywhere...I was going through my comments and traffic sources when I came across this earlier today and had to share.

Chat Catcher supports Twitter, FriendFeed, and, along with any type of blog, and all url-shortening services.

They actually translate short urls back to long urls, so you receive full search engine benefits.

The Chat Catcher process is simple...

1. Install the WordPress Plugin or Blog Script. You can also choose to go Scriptless

2. They will monitor social media services (like Twitter, FriendFeed, and for comments on your blog posts.

3. Captured comments are posted to your blog.

It's free and I love it. Check it out now.

Chat Catcher

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Suffering from lack of web traffic?

Web Traffic Juggernaut is a new site that says it guarantees more web visitors and online advertising with very little effort or cost. So I decided to put it to the test...

My first impression was the site looks professional and clean, with an attractive look and feel. It is easy to read and understand. Joining the site was easy and painless--they do offer 2 upgrade options but they are not required to gain the benefits.

The Members Area is very well laid out and intuitive--I could figure out what to do after only a few minutes and was able to get up & running in less than 5 minutes. Inside the site, you create links and ads--the links you simply enter any URL links you use into the generator and it transforms them into "Juggernaut" links. You create ads for anything you want to promote using the Juggernaut Ad Generator, which is very easy to use. You can create as many links and as many ads as you like. And they are organized in a logical way--links are displayed in the order you create them but also your 5 most recent links appear on the main page for quick reference. Also, since the link generator is the tool you'll use most, it is also right at the top of the main page when you login. Very smart!

After you've created at least 1 link and 1 ad you can start to generate traffic. Just use and promote the new Juggernaut link instead of the original source link you had. Every time the Juggernaut link is clicked, the page loads followed by a small ad window in the lower right corner. It displays 3 ads PLUS an image with your affiliate link that goes back to Juggernaut. So if anyone clicks the Juggernaut image they see the site, and if they signup they become your referral. It's a great viral feature because you can build referrals without even trying to just by using the site.

Now every time the ad window displays (your Juggernaut links get clicked) you earn credits that get YOUR ad displayed in the ad windows when other members' links get clicked. So the more clicks, the more times your ads get displayed.

And this works virally--meaning as you make referrals into Juggernaut (either by promoting it or just using it and visitors click the Juggernaut image on the ad window to join) you also earn ad credits on THEIR link clicks. And this works up to 5 levels deep. So you can create a massive amount of free ad views and web traffic by referring others to Juggernaut also.

I didn't get to test the full effect of a big downline yet (I just got the tool) but I can tell you the rest of the site works exactly as stated--my links got clicked, I earned credits, and my ads got displayed. Juggernaut even tracked my results so I know how many clicks and how many ad displays. That was an impressive unadvertised extra feature.

There is one more benefit and feature which might be the best of them all--downline emailing. You can email your downline with offers, promotions, or whatever you like, and here is where Juggernaut really shines. They took time to make the emailing often enough that it's valuable as a user, but no so often that it's a burden to your downline. But the best part about this feature (and actually the credit earning too) is that they use a unique dual-matrix technology that builds your downline in 2 ways. First is the typical way--you refer members, who then refer members, etc. But the 2nd matrix is a "forced matrix" that places all new members in a downline in sequential order. Without getting technical, what it means is that if you join and just stay a member (even if you don't do anything) your downline will grow automatically because new members will fill in your forced matrix. And you earn credits on them too. Now THAT's cool.

Overall I have to say I am impressed with Web Traffic Juggernaut. It is simple yet powerful, and delivers on its promises. Highly recommended to anyone who wants to increase traffic and advertising.

See it & join here:


Thursday, April 9, 2009

How to Use Twitter for Marketing

Twitter is a relatively new web 2.0 site that is starting to gain a lot of popularity. That means that a lot of people have heard of it but it is also quite common to run into people who haven't heard of it.. yet. is this social site that encourages users to post often about what they are currently doing.

A lot of people are using it to improve their marketing reach, by being an active twitterer they gain followers who are interested in what they got going on. This means people being exposed to their updates on a regular basis. For example, if you have hundreds of followers in Twitter and you decide to post an affiliate link, that means that hundreds of people have instantly been exposed to your offer. In this article I will discuss ways to maximize Twitter for your marketing, and also a big mistake to be aware of.

In order to have a fan base per say of followers in Twitter you must be able to keep their interest in you and what you are doing now. "What are you doing?" is the whole foundation of what Twitter is about in the first place. Make sure to post daily if not several times throughout the day updates about what you are doing. The magical thing behind this is that many of your contacts will be able to feel like they know you so much better, will trust you more, and feel much more comfortable about working with you. On the other hand, when you follow others you can learn about them and their possible needs.

The big mistake to watch out for is only posting affiliate links or offers on your Twitter page. This looks like Spam and many people will see you as just abusing Twitter for your own personal gain. Think of it this way, if you would not want to invite your friends or family to keep up with you via Twitter then you are going about it all wrong. As with anything you send out or provide, ninety percent should be content and ten percent (at most) advertising. So this concept is quite simple... constantly post throughout the day what you are doing.. it is usually very simple and only takes a few seconds to post! Secondly, if you write articles or provide content online, provide a link for those in your Twitter posts. You may post many things within one day, but the last thing you post for the day is usually the most important because it will be there the longest. This means that your last post for the day should very well contain a link that you want your followers to see before your start Twittering again the next day!

Another part of Twitter is contributing. As with any social site it should be a give and take relationship. Notice that give comes first... the more you give the more people will want to work with you and the more attention you will receive. Make sure to read and follow other users in Twitter. If you read something interesting or helpful then make sure to reply and say so, or even put a link for it on your Twitter so that you are directing others to more quality content. This can also be as simple as connecting with other users, if they know you are reading their Twitter page they will be much more likely to check out what you have going on too.

To get started in Twitter you should first invite contacts who aren't using Twitter and also find contacts who are already using Twitter so that you can start following them and also start getting people to follow you. Twitter has a nice invite and find feature that makes this incredibly easy. To grow your reach even more you can start following people who follow or are followed by the people who follow you.. or that you follow. You might need to read that sentence again.. but basically you can find other users to connect with that are already connected to other users.

Now for a big tip. If you really want to maximize the potential with Twitter, you should make sure to take advantage of any plug-ins or sites that support Twitter. Here are three, but I'm sure there will be many more in the future if not already. Squidoo allows you to input your Twitter account info into your Squidoo account and then it can automatically post updates to your Twitter account when you create or update Squidoo lenses. Facebook has an application called Twitter, it automatically updates your Facebook status when you make a Twitter post. The other tool is a free WordPress plug-in called TweetMyBlog that allows you to create a two-way connection from your blogs to Twitter. TweetMyBlog allows you to use a widget on your Wordpress blogs that will display your current Twitter feed.. that way all visitors to your blog can look at the widget and see a running feed of your latest Twitter posts. If they click on that they will be brought to your Twitter page. In addition, when you make a new post to your blog, TweetMyBlog will automatically make a post to your Twitter page with a link to your latest blog post. Imagine the extra exposure you can receive by using these tools that help people see more of what you are doing.

Lastly, have fun! Twitter is a social site... so interact and enjoy!

Darren Olander is dedicated to teaching others how to create a success online through internet network marketing strategies. He is a site owner, article writer, coach & marketing consultant enjoying the benefits of working full time from home. Learn more about him at

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Top 22 Twitter Applications, an online study.

If you use twitter, and we all do it seems :)

These applications are a must have. Use em and luv em, believe me they can and will make your twitting life a lot easier. I hope you all enjoy and profit from them.


1. Twitpic
2. Tweetdeck
3. Digsby
4. Twittercounter
5. Twitterfeed
6. Twitterholic
7. Twhirl
8. Twitturly
9. Twtpoll
10. Retweetist
11. Tweepler
12. Hellotxt
13. Twitdom
14. Tweetscan
15. Tweetburner
16. Tweetvisor
17. Twittervision
18. Twitterfall
19. Monitter
20. Twibs
21. Twistori
22. Twitbin